Link Your Web Pages Directly to FlashPoint Development's Pages and Software

You are welcome and encouraged to include both direct page and download links, to any FlashPoint Development software product or to our Web pages, in your own Web pages.

Such links can be very helpful to all the Microsoft Windows users who visit your site, and even more important to you, if you provide user access to files stored in the ZIP archive format. For example, providing direct links to FlashPoint Windows Zip Navigator ("ZipNAV") or UnZIP95 software, allows your Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows95 and Windows NT users to immediately access ZIP archive files provided by your site, without searching countless other sites on the Internet.

Furthermore, if you chose to include such direct links to our pages and software, we would certainly like to return the favor by adding your site to our online listings. You can request a reciprocal link via the reciprocal links page.

It is strongly recommended that you link to the FlashPoint Development Home Page, rather than to any other pages on our Web sites; that way when the site is updated your link is guaranteed to work.

If you would like to use a graphic, the following are recommended for "page link" images:

[FlashPoint Development] [FlashPoint Development]

and the following are recommended for "download link" images:

[FlashPoint Development] [FlashPoint Development] [FlashPoint Development]

How to Add a FlashPoint Development Link Button to Your Web Pages

Here is the generic HTML code format for including dynamic graphic links on your Web pages:

<A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" alt="[Go to FlashPoint Developments Home Page]"> </A>

The following are detailed examples of possible links you may want to implement.

Please note that the use of upper and lower case letters, in file names, is required. For example, "UnZIP95S.EXE" and "ZipNAV.EXE" must be entered in upper and lower case letters or our server will be unable to locate the file to be downloaded.

1. Add one or more of the following HTML "page links" to your Web pages:

[Jump to FlashPoint] To add a link to the FlashPoint Development "auto-jump" page on CompuServe:

<A HREF="">
ALT="[Jump to FlashPoint]"></A>

[Jump to FlashPoint] To add a link to the FlashPoint Development "auto-jump" page on America Online:

<A HREF="">
ALT="[Jump to FlashPoint]"></A>

[FlashPoint Development] To add a link "direct" to the FlashPoint Development's "PageOne" on America Online:

<A HREF="">
ALT="[Go to FlashPoint]"></A>

2. Add one or more of the following HTML "download links" to your Web pages:

[Download UnZIP95]To add a direct "HTTP download link" to the UnZIP95 distribution software file:

<A HREF="">
ALT="[Download UnZIP95]"></A>

[Download ZipNAV]To add a direct "HTTP download link" to the ZipNAV distribution software file:

<A HREF="">
ALT="[Download ZipNAV]"></A>

[Download ZipTools for Windows]To add a direct "page link" to the FlashPoint Windows Software download area:

<A HREF="">
ALT="[ZipTools Download Area]"></A>

That's basically it.

If you want to include WIDTH= and HEIGHT= tags in your <IMG> tag, please copy the graphic to your site so that it still looks good if the original images on our site are updated. The following section explains the necessary steps for copying and installing images to your site.

How to Speed-up the Display of FlashPoint Development Link Buttons on Your Web Pages

If you are comfortable with HTML, you may notice that the images are being retrieved from our server. To speed things up a bit on your page, you can save an image locally to your own server by following these optional steps.

1. Copy one of these button images to your server:

To do this on UNIX or Windows, just use the right mouse button and click on the images below. You should get a pop up menu. Select 'Save this image as ...' to save it to your server.

If you are using a Mac, just hold down the mouse button for a couple of seconds when you point at the graphics below. Soon you will see the same menu and option.

The following are interlaced GIF images

The following are JPG images

Note: Each of the above images are currently located on a remote server. If you are viewing this page offline, or if the remote server is down or busy, the images may not be correctly displayed; therefore, you may also choose from the local images stored with this file and displayed on other parts of this document.

2. Update the remote link, in the above HTML examples, with the new address for the applicable button on your server.

If you store your image files in a seperate directory on your server, replace the remote link, in the above HTML examples, i.e.,

with the new address for the button location on your server.

If you store all of your files in the same directory on the server, e.g., as is required by the CompuServe web page service, all you need do is delete the entire remote link, leaving only the file name of the image file.

How to Allow Users to Download Zip Archives from Yor Web Pages

Here are a few generic examples of HTML code, for including dynamic ZIP archive "download links" on your own Web pages.

If you had a home page area on CompuServe, named "myhomepage," and wanted your users to be able to download a ZIP archive file, named "," from your homepage, you might use the following code:

<A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="zipfile.gif" alt="[Click here to download]"> Download My Zip File</A>

If your home page area was on America Online, named "myhomepage," and wanted your users to be able to download a ZIP archive file, named "" that was stored in a subdirectory named "myfiles," from your homepage, you might use the following code:

<A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="zipfile.gif" alt="[Click here to download]"> Download My Zip File</A>

In either example, your Web page would look similer to the following:

[Click here to download]Download My Zip File

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